
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Writing a Linux kernel device driver for the Raspberry Pi

In this experiment, I'm going to write a device driver for my raspberry pi. The driver is for a set of leds and dip switches that are connected to the i2c bus on the raspberry pi headers.

In the circuit, the SCL and SDA lines are connected to the MCP23017 chip, these i2c lines are connected to the second i2c bus (i2c-1) which are available on the headers. The circuit is hardwired to i2c device address of 0x21 (Note that A0..A2 is "001") since the MCP base addresses starts at 0x20.

The device driver I'm writing is part of a learning exercise ( I haven't been writing firmware for the last 7 years and kind'a missed it).

I've already made an example userland application that accesses the leds in my last post, but why the need for a device driver? Based on the simple circuit above, we might come into situations wherein our hardware needs to fire an interrupt say if something goes wrong (Note that on the above circuit the INTA and INTB are not wired, I'll wire them up later). In userland, you would have to do this by polling the input lines and watching for changes, and this is costly (polling consumes CPU time). Using the device driver approach, you can get the device to sleep and only wake up when an interrupt occurs, this saves CPU time as well as power consumption. Though the simple circuit above doesn't yet do that, but I'll add support for interrupts later. For now, here's what I aim to accomplish by writing the device driver:

  • Use a character device driver to provide access to the array of LEDs directly. Opening a device file in /dev/<char dev> and writing to it directly.
  • Use the /sys to export kernel attributes/variables so we can access the LED's and dip switches directly from userspace.
The code for this device driver is shown below:

 * Chip I2C Driver
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Vergil Cola (
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
 * This driver shows how to create a minimal i2c driver for Raspberry Pi.
 * The arbitrary i2c hardware sits on 0x21 using the MCP23017 chip. 
 * PORTA is connected to output leds while PORTB of MCP23017 is connected
 * to dip switches.

#define DEBUG 1

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/sysfs.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>

#define CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME    "chip_i2c"

/* Define the addresses to scan. Of course, we know that our
 * hardware is found on 0x21, the chip_i2c_detect() function
 * below is used by the kernel to enumerate the i2c bus, the function
 * returns 0 for success or -ENODEV if the device is not found.
 * The kernel enumerates this array for i2c addresses. This 
 * structure is also passed as a member to the i2c_driver struct.
static const unsigned short normal_i2c[] = { 0x20, 0x21, I2C_CLIENT_END };

/* Our drivers id table */
static const struct i2c_device_id chip_i2c_id[] = {
    { "chip_i2c", 0 },

MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, chip_i2c_id);

/* Each client has that uses the driver stores data in this structure */
struct chip_data {
 struct mutex update_lock;
 unsigned long led_last_updated; /* In jiffies */
    unsigned long switch_last_read; /* In jiffies */
    int kind;
    /* TODO: additional client driver data here */

 * The following variables are used by the exposed 
 * fileops (character device driver) functions to
 * allow our driver to be opened by normal file operations
 * - open/close/read/write from user space.
static struct class * chip_i2c_class = NULL;
static struct device * chip_i2c_device = NULL;
static int chip_i2c_major;

/* Define the global i2c_client structure used by this
 * driver. We use this for the file operations (chardev)
 * functions to access the i2c_client.
static struct i2c_client * chip_i2c_client = NULL;

/* We define a mutex so that only one process at a time
* can access our driver at /dev. Any other process
* attempting to open this driver will return -EBUSY.
static DEFINE_MUTEX(chip_i2c_mutex);

/* We define the MCP23017 registers. We only need to set the
 * direction registers for input and output
#define REG_CHIP_DIR_PORTA 0x00
#define REG_CHIP_DIR_PORTB  0x01

#define REG_CHIP_PORTA_LIN  0x12
#define REG_CHIP_PORTB_LIN  0x13
#define REG_CHIP_PORTA_LOUT 0x14
#define REG_CHIP_PORTB_LOUT 0x15

/* Input/Output functions of our driver to read/write
 * data on the i2c bus. We us the i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()
 * and i2c_smbus_write_byte_data() (i2c.h) for doing the 
 * low level i2c read/write to our device. To make sure no 
 * other client is writing/reading from the device at the same time, 
 * we use the client data's mutex for synchronization.
 * The chip_read_value() function reads the status of the
 * dip switches connected to PORTB of MCP23017 while the
 * chip_write_value() sets the value of PORTA (leds).
int chip_read_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg)
    struct chip_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
    int val = 0;

    dev_info(&client->dev, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    val = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg);

    dev_info(&client->dev, "%s : read reg [%02x] returned [%d]\n", 
            __FUNCTION__, reg, val);

    return val;

int chip_write_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg, u16 value)
    struct chip_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
    int ret = 0;

    dev_info(&client->dev, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    ret =  i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg, value);

    dev_info(&client->dev, "%s : write reg [%02x] with val [%02x] returned [%d]\n", 
            __FUNCTION__, reg, value, ret);

    return ret;

/* The following functions are used by this device drivers
* to provide a char device functionality.
static int chip_i2c_open(struct inode * inode, struct file *fp)
   printk("%s: Attempt to open our device\n", __FUNCTION__);
   /* Our driver only allows writing to our LED's */
   if ((fp->f_flags & O_ACCMODE) != O_WRONLY)
       return -EACCES;

   /* We need to ensure that only one process can 
    * access the file handle at one time
   if (!mutex_trylock(&chip_i2c_mutex))
       printk("%s: Device currently in use!\n", __FUNCTION__);
       return -EBUSY;

   /* We olso need to check if the chip driver (client)
    * is already loaded, otherwise write/read to/from
    * i2c device will fail.
   if (chip_i2c_client == NULL)
       return -ENODEV;

   return 0;

static int chip_i2c_close(struct inode * inode, struct file * fp)
   printk("%s: Freeing /dev resource\n", __FUNCTION__);

   return 0;

/* Our file op write function, note that we only write the 
* last byte sent to the leds and discard the rest.
static ssize_t chip_i2c_write(struct file * fp, const char __user * buf,
        size_t count, loff_t * offset)
    int x, numwrite = 0;
    char * tmp;

    /* We'll limit the number of bytes written out */
    if (count > 512)
        count = 512;

    tmp = memdup_user(buf, count);
    if (IS_ERR(tmp))
        return PTR_ERR(tmp);

    printk("%s: Write operation with [%d] bytes\n", __FUNCTION__, count);
    for (x = 0; x < count; x++)
        if (chip_write_value(chip_i2c_client, REG_CHIP_PORTA_LOUT, (u16) tmp[x]) == 0)

    return numwrite;

/* Our file operations table, thiw will used by the 
 * initializzation code (probe) to create a character
 * device on /dev. 
static const struct file_operations chip_i2c_fops = {
    .owner = THIS_MODULE,
    .llseek = no_llseek,
    .write = chip_i2c_write,
    .open = chip_i2c_open,
    .release = chip_i2c_close

/* Our driver attributes/variables are currently exported via sysfs. 
 * For this driver, we export two attributes - chip_led and chip_switch
 * to correspond to MCP23017's PORTA (led) and PORTB(dip switches).
 * The sysfs filesystem is a convenient way to examine these attributes
 * in kernel space from user space. They also provide a mechanism for 
 * setting data form user space to kernel space. 
static ssize_t set_chip_led(struct device *dev, 
    struct device_attribute * devattr,
    const char * buf, 
    size_t count)
    struct i2c_client * client = to_i2c_client(dev);
    int value, err;

    dev_dbg(&client->dev, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    err = kstrtoint(buf, 10, &value);
    if (err < 0)
        return err;

    dev_dbg(&client->dev, "%s: write to i2c with val %d\n", 

    chip_write_value(client, REG_CHIP_PORTA_LOUT, (u16) value);

    return count;

static ssize_t get_chip_switch(struct device *dev, 
    struct device_attribute *dev_attr,
    char * buf)
    struct i2c_client * client = to_i2c_client(dev);
    int value = 0;

    dev_dbg(&client->dev, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    value = chip_read_value(client, REG_CHIP_PORTB_LIN);

    dev_info(&client->dev,"%s: read returned with %d!\n", 
    // Copy the result back to buf
    return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", value);

/* chip led is write only */
static DEVICE_ATTR(chip_led, S_IWUGO, NULL, set_chip_led);
/* chip switch is read only */
static DEVICE_ATTR(chip_switch, S_IRUGO, get_chip_switch, NULL);

/* This function is called to initialize our driver chip
 * MCP23017.
 * For MCP23017 to function, we first need to setup the 
 * direction register at register address 0x0 (PORTA) and
 * 0x01 (PORTB). Bit '1' represents input while '0' is latched
 * output, so we need to write 0x00 for PORTA (led out), and
 * all bits set for PORTB - 0xFF.
static void chip_init_client(struct i2c_client *client)
    /* Set the direction registers to PORTA = out (0x00),
     * PORTB = in (0xFF)
    dev_info(&client->dev, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    chip_write_value(client, REG_CHIP_DIR_PORTA, 0x00);
    chip_write_value(client, REG_CHIP_DIR_PORTB, 0xFF);

/* The following functions are callback functions of our driver. 
 * Upon successful detection of kernel (via the chip_detect function below). 
 * The kernel calls the chip_i2c_probe(), the driver's duty here 
 * is to allocate the client's data, initialize
 * the data structures needed, and to call chip_init_client() which
 * will initialize our hardware. 
 * This function is also needed to initialize sysfs files on the system.
static int chip_i2c_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
    const struct i2c_device_id *id)
    int retval = 0;
    struct device * dev = &client->dev;
    struct chip_data *data = NULL;

    printk("chip_i2c: %s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    /* Allocate the client's data here */
    data = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(struct chip_data), GFP_KERNEL);
        return -ENOMEM;

    /* Initialize client's data to default */
    i2c_set_clientdata(client, data);
    /* Initialize the mutex */

    /* If our driver requires additional data initialization
     * we do it here. For our intents and purposes, we only 
     * set the data->kind which is taken from the i2c_device_id.
    data->kind = id->driver_data;

    /* initialize our hardware */

    /* In our arbitrary hardware, we only have
     * one instance of this existing on the i2c bus.
     * Therefore we set the global pointer of this
     * client.
    chip_i2c_client = client;

    /* We now create our character device driver */
    chip_i2c_major = register_chrdev(0, CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME,
    if (chip_i2c_major < 0)
        retval = chip_i2c_major;
        printk("%s: Failed to register char device!\n", __FUNCTION__);
        goto out;

    chip_i2c_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME);
    if (IS_ERR(chip_i2c_class))
        retval = PTR_ERR(chip_i2c_class);
        printk("%s: Failed to create class!\n", __FUNCTION__);
        goto unreg_chrdev;

    chip_i2c_device = device_create(chip_i2c_class, NULL, 
        MKDEV(chip_i2c_major, 0),
        CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME "_leds");
    if (IS_ERR(chip_i2c_device))
        retval = PTR_ERR(chip_i2c_device);
        printk("%s: Failed to create device!\n", __FUNCTION__);
        goto unreg_class;

    /* Initialize the mutex for /dev fops clients */

    // We now register our sysfs attributs. 
    device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_chip_led);
    device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_chip_switch);

    return 0;
    /* Cleanup on failed operations */

    unregister_chrdev(chip_i2c_major, CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME);
    printk("%s: Driver initialization failed!\n", __FUNCTION__);
    return retval;

/* This function is called whenever the bus or the driver is
 * removed from the system. We perform cleanup here and 
 * unregister our sysfs hooks/attributes.
static int chip_i2c_remove(struct i2c_client * client)
    struct device * dev = &client->dev;

    printk("chip_i2c: %s\n", __FUNCTION__);

    chip_i2c_client = NULL;

    device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_chip_led);
    device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_chip_switch);

    device_destroy(chip_i2c_class, MKDEV(chip_i2c_major, 0));
    unregister_chrdev(chip_i2c_major, CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME);

    return 0;

/* This callback function is called by the kernel 
 * to detect the chip at a given device address. 
 * However since we know that our device is currently 
 * hardwired to 0x21, there is really nothing to detect.
 * We simply return -ENODEV if the address is not 0x21.
static int chip_i2c_detect(struct i2c_client * client, 
    struct i2c_board_info * info)
    struct i2c_adapter *adapter = client->adapter;
    int address = client->addr;
    const char * name = NULL;

    printk("chip_i2c: %s!\n", __FUNCTION__);

    if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA))
        return -ENODEV;

    // Since our address is hardwired to 0x21
    // we update the name of the driver. This must
    // match the name of the chip_driver struct below
    // in order for this driver to be loaded.
    if (address == 0x21)
        name = CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME;
            "Chip device found at 0x%02x\n", address);
        return -ENODEV;

    /* Upon successful detection, we coup the name of the
     * driver to the info struct.
    strlcpy(info->type, name, I2C_NAME_SIZE);
    return 0;

/* This is the main driver description table. It lists 
 * the device types, and the callback functions for this
 * device driver
static struct i2c_driver chip_driver = {
    .class      = I2C_CLASS_HWMON,
    .driver = {
            .name = CHIP_I2C_DEVICE_NAME,
    .probe          = chip_i2c_probe,
    .remove         = chip_i2c_remove,
    .id_table       = chip_i2c_id,
    .detect      = chip_i2c_detect,
    .address_list   = normal_i2c,

/* The two functions below adds the driver
 * and perfom cleanup operations. Use them
 * if there are necessary routines that needs
 * to be called other than just calling 
 * i2c_add_driver(), etc.
 * Otherwise, the module_i2c_driver() macro
 * will suffice.
static int __init chip_i2c_init(void)
    printk("chip: Entering init routine!\n");

    return i2c_add_driver(&chip_driver);

static void __exit chip_i2c_cleanup(void)
    printk("chip: Removing driver from kernel\n");

    return i2c_del_driver(&chip_driver);

MODULE_AUTHOR("Vergil Cola <>");

There are two sections on this driver, first is to provide a char device functionality, the second is to provide an instance of an i2c chip driver. Here's a summary of what the i2c chip driver portion of our device driver above does:

  1. Our chip driver defines a set of operations in struct i2c_driver . These operations include callback defined in our driver whenever the driver is probed (chip_i2c_probe), when the driver is removed/unloaded from the kernel (chip_i2c_remove), and a detect function (chip_i2c_detect) which is called by the board initialization routine - Will discuss this later. The i2c_driver also contains entries about the device class and the list of i2c addresses it will scan.
  2. Since our driver is very simple, we only have one hardwired instance of it at i2c address 0x21, there was really no need for the detect/probe routine. The detect/probe is a way for the device driver to locate the hardware instance on the bus when the address of the hardware is unkown. Also, i2c doesn't really have a way to dynamically detect hardware on the bus like PCI or USB had. Instantiation of the device must be done statically during board initialization - which I'll get into later.
  3. In the function chip_i2c_detect(), (during the kernel scanning function, the kernel calls this function sometimes repeatedly passing an i2c_client with a different address each time, the addresses is coming from the array normal_i2c). The function will check if the address in i2c_client is the actual hardware we are accessing. If found, we need to fill the board_info (from the board initialization routine) and return 0 for success, otherwise this function returns an error value. In our driver above, we populate the info with our driver name, note that this must match the i2c_driver field int the description table.
  4. Once our hardware is detected, the kernel calls chip_i2c_probe. In this function, the kernel would pass the valid i2c_client (which now contains the correct i2c address of our driver) and this would be our instance for our driver. So once we have the driver's instance, we need to do some initialization within this function. This function does a lot of things:
    • First we need to allocate memory for the data area
    • Call our initialization routine to set the direction registers for MCP23017 (chip_init_client).
    • Save the address of our i2c_client pointer (since we will be using it later on when writing to i2c) to a global variable (chip_i2c_client)
    • Register a character device driver (register_chrdev)
    • Dynamically create entries in the /dev directory for character device access from userland - class_create and device_create.
    • Create entries in the /sys for the device attributes - device_create_file.
  5. The cleanup routine chip_i2c_remove, simple undoes what was created in the chip_i2c_probe function.
The character device portion of this driver is defined by the file_operations table - chip_i2c_fops. 
  1. When applications in userland attempts to open the device, the kernel calls the chip_i2c_open function. In this function, we restrict access to two userland applications from opening the device, hence the need to protect it via mutex. 
  2. When a userland application tries to write to the device, the chip_i2c_write will be called. Since we already a pointer to the i2c_client struct, we can use this to pass it to the chip_i2c_write_value, which in turn writes to our device on the i2c bus. Note that I did not do any parameter checking if chip_i2c_write is called, might be a bug.
  3. Note that a read from the device is not provided at the moment for simplicity, this can be extended later on.
The device driver also export some device attributes via the /sys filesystem. This is accomplished by two functions set_chip_led and get_chip_swtich which will set the values of the LED's and retrieve the value of the dip switches. These functionality is exported via the chip_led and chip_switch variables.

As I mentioned earlier, this device would not work since i2c needs static information of driver  during board initialization (at startup). For this driver to work, we have to modify the kernel to support our driver. So in your kernel source tree, navigate to the file:


Find a spot after the raspberry pi's audio board info for the audio device is declared (in lines 689 - 695):

 676 static struct platform_device snd_rpi_iqaudio_dac_device = {
 677         .name = "snd-rpi-iqaudio-dac",
 678         .id = 0,
 679         .num_resources = 0,
 680 };
 682 // Use the actual device name rather than generic driver name
 683 static struct i2c_board_info __initdata snd_pcm512x_i2c_devices[] = {
 684     {
 685         I2C_BOARD_INFO("pcm5122", 0x4c)
 686     },
 687 };
 688 #endif
 690 // VCO -- we instantiate our driver info here
 691 static struct i2c_board_info __initdata chip_i2c_devices[] = {
 692     {
 693         I2C_BOARD_INFO("chip_i2c", 0x21)
 694     },
 695 };

Once the board_info for our driver is defined, we need to insert it into the board's intialization routine:

 774 void __init bcm2708_init(void)
 775 {
 776     int i;
 778 #if defined(CONFIG_BCM_VC_CMA)
 779     vc_cma_early_init();
 780 #endif
 781     printk("bcm2708.uart_clock = %d\n", uart_clock);
 782     pm_power_off = bcm2708_power_off;
 843 // VCO -- add chip_i2c
 844     i2c_register_board_info(1, chip_i2c_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(chip_i2c_devices));

The routines above will insert the chip driver's information into the board initialization. The i2c_board_info now knows that our device "chip_i2c" is located at i2c address 0x21.

Ok, so now we have to compile the kernel, and the device driver and load it up on our raspberry pi (This will be another topic to discuss).

On my next post, I will try to illustrate how to test our driver from user space.

Code for the driver above is found here.

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